Testimonials/Success Stories

Great session! I've never felt so relaxed!!!!

Phillipe D.
J'avais de gros problèmes d'insomnie, je n'arrivais à trouver le sommeil qu'en prenant des somnifères ...Grâce à Oliver mes angoisses et insomnies sont loin derrière et je dors chaque nuit à poings fermés. J'étais un peu sceptique avant la séance. Aujourd'hui je suis vraiment heureux et conquis!
Vive l’hypnose!!!

Alexandre F.
Cadre de direction mais également maman d'un enfant de 3 ans, je cumule des douleurs liées au stress et à de mauvaises postures.
Afin de diminuer ces élancements de la nuque aux vertèbres, j’ai fait appel à Oliver Smith. Le sentiment de relaxation produit par l’heure de consultation est en partie lié par la personnalité du praticien qui enveloppe de son calme et de sa douceur le patient. De plus, il est rare de pouvoir parler de soi et de ses sensations avec autant d’écoute.
Dernière conséquences et non des moindres : mes douleurs sont beaucoup moins fortes depuis cette séance et s’espacent.

Corinne A.
I have been having disturbed sleep and early morning waking for the past 5 months, following recovery from an acute thyroid infection that wreaked havoc with my metabolism. I had experienced the power of Energy work in the past so decided to pursue this route again.

Oliver worked on my energy channels and helped me release lymphatic and emotional blockages during an extended session in which he was focused, empathic and in touch with my healing needs.

Immediately after the session, I noticed that my vision was clearer, my headache gone and I had an immediate need to sleep. I slept for an hour midday and that night, I slept solidly for 9 hours with deep sleep that was restorative. My sleep pattern has returned to prethyroiditis levels and I am now dreaming on a nightly basis. I am grateful to Oliver as good sleep is the cornerstone of a healthy immune system.

Caterina P.
I had no idea what I have got myself into when I walked into the clinic. But Oliver made it easy for me to relax and just go with the flow. I lost my grandma recently and had a hard time coping with my grief. Oliver's work helped me to accept the pain in a more relaxed way. I had no idea it could be contained and was scared about sharing my emotions before. After the hypnosis session, I am able to let myself still experience the pain and remember my grandma without panic nor crying uncontrollably in deep depression. It wasn't only healing on the energy level. The best thing is I have learnt to contain and embrace my emotions in a way that won't be too overwhelming for myself. Thank you, Oliver!

Michele C.
"Over the past 6 months, I have been working with Oliver Smith at Kinesiology Asia as part of my weight loss program. He has patiently coached, guided & helped me to see possibility whenever I doubted myself (at least 50% of the time). We have used a combination of Hypnosis, Kinesiology, regular exercise and the Ketogenic diet to achieve an 8kg weight loss, down from 88kg in Jan 2015, to 80kg today. I am in the best shape I’ve been in years and I’m not done yet. It is my goal to lose another 10kg and reach and maintain a stable 70kg by the end of this year. Losing 18kg at my age (I’ve just turned 50), seemed like an impossible dream before working with Oliver. Now it feels like a real possibility."

Steve B.